What is God like? Some people picture Him as an
angry God--an all-seeing eye Who carries a big stick around, ready to clobber
them!--Or a cruel tyrant, some kind of a monster, Who is trying to frighten
everyone into Hell! But actually, He is love! He's a loving God who is trying
to love everyone into Heaven! He's so close, so intimate, so personal, so
loving, so kind, so tender, so gentle, so concerned, and He's waiting with open
arms. The only reason He follows us around is that He's hoping we'll turn around
and meet Him with open arms...Read More
Weekly Promise Card
Tribal Christian Song
Bible is True
If one will seriously investigate these Biblical
evidences, he will find that their claims of divine inspiration (stated over
3,000 times, in various ways) were amply justified...Read More
Inspiring Stories
Gaining & Keeping a Testimony
Maybe you were baptized
when you were eight years old and you’ve been going to church your whole life.
Maybe you were just recently introduced to the Church. Perhaps you have a
strong testimony of the Restoration of the gospel, or maybe you’re not sure if
you even know the Book of Mormon is true. In any case, everyone needs to
constantly nourish and help his or her testimony to grow. So what are you
supposed to do? Here are some things to consider...Know More
Seven Prophesies That Must Be fulfilled
Previous generations
have thought that Jesus Christ would return in their lifetimes, but they were
proven wrong. Many people alive today think that Christ's return is imminent.
Certainly, the Bible contains prophecies that could not have been fulfilled
until this generation....Know More
In God, For You!
Team, Spiritual Alerts.