Sunday, 19 April 2015

40 Days in the Word- by Rick Warren

Learn the Word, Love the Word, LIVE the Word. The nationwide launch of Pastor Rick’s 40 Days in the Word  is coming January 29th.Watch a 3 minute video testimony of lives already being changed. Download a free sample PDF of 40 Days in the Word.

Weekly Promise Card

Lost in You-Piano Music

Youth for Christ International

A Practical Method of Bible Study 

Yes, we all read bible ! But how many of us know the useful way of studying the Bible to implement it in our life.Denis Haack has done theological research on this area and brought a book on it..Read Book

Kenneth Bae - A Missionary in North Korea

Bae, a missionary from Washington state, was arrested in North Korea in November 2012 and sentenced to 15 years hard labor for crimes against the state. Miller, who reportedly was tried on an espionage charge, had been in custody since April this year and was serving a six-year hard labor sentence. ..Read More

Christian Poems

Inspirational Christian poems. Christian poetry, Christian verse, church poems, spiritual poems. Christian rhymes, Jesus Christ poems, poems about and for Christians...Start Reading

In God, For You,
Team, Spiritual Alerts.