Sunday 15 March 2015

Golden Jobs for Young People

Some of the world's greatest accomplishments have been done by young men and women. Alexander the Great became king before he was thirty years old. Some of the great works of Shelley, Byron, Keats, Chopin, and Mozart were composed when they were teenagers. Hitler and Mussolini built their power on the dedication and energy of young people. Today, Communists make their strongest sales pitch to youth, because they know of the influence and dedication of the young. Now, much of the mission work of the church is being done by young adults. And the church needs consecrated young people. Times are perilous and our cause is the greatest that the world has ever known. The very hope of the human race lies in wise youth committed to high principles. Young people need the church - they need Christ. Those who are indifferent to the way of the Lord are inviting sorrow on their lives and souls. Jesus says to young and old alike, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Mark 8:34)...Read More

Christianity Is Waiting. Our perspective on waiting is perhaps one of the stronger ways our society is out of stride with the biblical worldview. Not that waiting was easy for our forefathers, but they were more at peace with it, and more ready to see its goodness and potential...Know More

   Christian Zeal

Zeal is a subject, like many others in religion, which is sadly misunderstood. Many would be ashamed to be thought zealous Christians. Many are ready to say of zealous people what Festus said of Paul: "You are out of your mind, Paul!" he shouted, "Your great learning is driving you insane" (Acts 26:24)...Read More

"Faithful with small" became my mantra as God continued to open doors and increase my influence from mega church staff to a national position of "Women's Evangelism Strategist" at the North American Mission Board and then to "Director of Women's Leadership" and "Adjunct Professor at Southern Seminary." Today, I am blessed to be serving the Lord through my own ministry board. Anyone who knows me realizes that it has not been easy, but as I have been faithful with the small things, God has proven His faithfulness over and over again...Read More

Grace can’t be measured. And if grace can’t be measured, then why do you think we fail in receiving it and dispensing it to ourselves? Our finite minds  will never truly touch the brim of what this gift He pours over us can ever be, I wonder why we feel so free to extend it with reserve..Know More

In God, For You!
Team, Spiritual Alerts.