Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Permanent Heaven

We discovered that not only was there Heaven past, but there is Heaven present, as we have been pleased to designate it. We found that Heaven present is located above. It is called the third Heaven . We found that it was moved from the center of the earth to the third Heaven where God's throne is, so that now instead of talking about going down to the grave as they did in Old Testament times, people talk about being caught up. Instead of individuals' talking about being gathered to their people or sleeping with their fathers as they did in the Old Testament, they talk about being absent from the body and present with the Lord...Read More

Joy is both very complex and very simple. I studied the Puritans at Cambridge University. My teacher was a senior, eminent professor toward the end of his career, a brilliant man. I remember talking to him once about the caricature of Puritans as a dour and despondent lot, the puritanical myth. He said to me, “Whenever you meet a Puritan [he used the present tense meet, for he knew that there are still Puritans today, even if they wear jeans and have tattoos instead of wide brimmed hats and buckled shoes], you meet a happy person.”

In God, For You..!
Team, Spiritual Alerts.