Sunday 8 September 2013

God is Always Faithful

Throughout the Bible we see that every time God made a promise to His people, He would be willing to move heaven and earth to make sure it will come to pass.God NEVER promised His people anything that He did not do. In spite of how impossible it looked in the natural, God was ALWAYS Faithful...Read Full

Some Christians find it challenging to maintain a healthy, vibrant Christian life. However, with the right directions practical Christian living is not as difficult....Read More

The apostle Paul touches on such responsibilities in his concluding statement in the 15th chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians....Read More

If you are struggling with forgiveness toward someone today – I would like you to consider this for just a moment. Perhaps the argument that unforgiveness is harmful to you isn’t persuasive. Perhaps the argument that the offending person NEEDS forgiveness isn’t compelling either. But if those two have failed – then consider this: Beloved, we need to forgive for HIS name’s sake....Know More

                                 Grow In Christ

To grow in Christ means to grow in our faith in Christ which results in growth in our obedience to Christ. Our relationship with Christ is all about faith (Gal.2:20). We grow in our faith in Christ by allowing the Holy Spirit to renew our minds through the Word of God....Read More

In God, For You!
Team, Spiritual Alerts.